Making Projects Sustainable
The goal of FOSSASIA Labs is to bring projects to the next level and support developers to make them sustainable.
In the software and hardware lab we onboard FOSSASIA developers who have an idea and want to start a new project or develop a new feature within a FOSSASIA program. We work with them to connect to like-minded developers online and through events. In the science hack lab we focus on educational instutions. And, in the incubation lab we work with teams to bring Open Source products to market. Check out Github projects to learn more about existing projects.
FOSSASIA on Github Project IdeasFOSSASIA Labs

Science Hack Lab
In the Science Hack Lab we develop hardware and software solutions for schools and universities to enable hands-on learning for about physics and chemistry. Here we also organize Science Hack Days across Asia and cooperate with universities and numerous local partners and companies.

Software and Hardware Lab
We develop many Open Source software projects from Artificial Learning like SUSI.AI to event management solutions. We are still at the beginning of the Open Hardware revolution and participate in this change with PSLab and Neurolab. FOSSASIA Labs is the place to share ideas and get started on new projects. Please join us in creating useful tools that make the world a better place.

Incubation Lab
In the FOSSASIA Incubation Lab we work together with project teams who want to make the next step and develop a FOSS/Open Source product with the goal to bring it to the market. We collaborate to get the funding needed and support teams through mentorship, marketing activities and advise them on business matter and opportunities.
Project Ideas for Coding Programs
Participating in FOSSASIA Coding Programs - Important Points and Expectations. Please find our detailed guidelines here.
1. Before you apply for a Program: Show Your Interest and Dedication by Contributing in the Community
There are many ways to join the Free and Open Source Technology community. Here are some ideas what you can do to participate in the community. Students who are interested to apply for our coding programs should have an active understanding of Free and Open Source software and FOSSASIA and experience of the technologies used.
- Follow and join FOSSASIA on GitHub.
- Subscribe to FOSSASIA mailing list and newsletter.
- Follow FOSSASIA on social media channels and spread information distributed there.
- Star FOSSASIA repositories you like to show your support.
- Join the FOSSASIA chat channels regularly and help people who have questions.
- Fork FOSSASIA repositories and play around with the project.
- Set up projects and test them.
- File bug reports and submit feature requests.
- Solve a bug or implement a feature.
- Do a FOSSASIA mini-project.
- Write unit tests for FOSSASIA projects.
- Tweet or write a blog article about a FOSSASIA project.
- Make a video how to setup or use one of FOSSASIA's applications.
- Organize a developer meetup on and announce it to the FOSSASIA community (e.g. @fossasia in Twitter).
- Start a local developer group and announce activities on the Internet.
- Participate in a tech conference and present a FOSSASIA project.
2. Applying for Coding Programs: Show your skills and abilities by making making contributions in a project.
Show that you understand your project by making code contributions. Show that you understand how to implement features and solve bugs. Feature yourself as someone who knows strategies to master challenges. Also include information on yourself.
- Tell us about yourself, your activities in Open Source projects, university, your blog and background.
- Tell us why you picked this project, how would you use it?
- Include information on bugs or features that you have already solved in the project.
- Describe what you know already and what you believe you need to learn in order to implement these features.
- Describe what you believe needs to be done for the project in detail.
- Create wireframes and design samples for how the user interface might look like.
- List the features that you believe need to be implemented and do not forget to add your own ideas here.
- Make a development plan and tell us what tools and platform will you be using for development.
- Create a timeline and outline how will you spend the time over the course of the program, decide which features are most important and include them early on in the plan.
- Decide which features are optional, so you can drop them if you run out of time. At the end we’d rather see something working with just a few features, than lots of features which are all incomplete.
- Outline test cases and add information on unit test and possibly test frameworks you will use during your project.
- Tell us about what challenges might come up, that could delay your plan and make it more difficult.
- Please list resources where you can learn what you need to implement features (do this separately for each main feature).
3. During the program: Most importantly contribute code daily. Also share your progress with the community publicly and provide updates of your progress on project channels.
Continuously share information on your progress and challenges pro-actively and do not wait for mentors to get in touch. Be active in communication channels and mailing lists and submit updates. The idea of our coding programs is that students support project development with their work and do research to master challenges themselves (rather than expecting mentors to teach them). Other specific expectations are below.
- Make a daily scrum meetup with fellow developers or provide a daily scrum standup email each morning.
- Provide a weekly blog article with screenshots, media etc. each Thursday.
- Update the planning and design documents, wireframes and issues in milestones (preferably on GitHub).
- Organize a meetup in each month of your coding program and publish pictures and reports online.
- Make a webcast about the software you are working on before the end of the program.
- Provide documentation how to install and use the software.
- Include unit tests in your software application.
- Provide an updated presentation in an editable Open Format of your project at the end of each month and post it on a blog.
- Participate in the annual FOSSASIA Open Technology Summit and present your project.
- Help with FOSSASIA pre-university student programs, add relevant coding tasks for our projects and support students to solve tasks as a mentor.
- Sign the FOSSASIA contributors agreement that your code is Open Source and usable by the organization.

Connect with FOSSASIA!
Meet us at events or online. Join ProjectsOpen Tech Events Oh, invite your friends tooHow Can I Participate in FOSSASIA projects?
Join the FOSSASIA developers mailing list and spread Open Tech news.
FOSSASIA developers are active on a number of dedicated mailing lists to discuss questions. The FOSSASIA developer mailing list is a place to share information across projects. Please help us to spread information and share your ideas. Let's start the conversation and working together!
Join the FOSSASIA Developers Mailing List
Become a contributor and solve a bug, implement a new feature or write a unit test.
We are looking for your expertise, be it as a software developer, hardware maker, designer or administrator. Please join us and contribute to our projects on Github. Solving a bug, implementing a new feature, writing unit tests and giving feedback on existing projects is the first step before joining FOSSASIA coding programs.
Find our projects on GitHub.
Join an OpenTech event or organize your own.
FOSSASIA groups and projects exist throughout Asia. Still there are many white spots left, where you can help to spread free knowledge and Open Technology tools. Why not put together a FOSSASIA developers event and and meet like-minded contributors to talk about coding projects? Organize an event with our Open Source event tool and share it on social media channels - tweet it @fossasia.
Join OpenTech events or organize your own with